CRUE statement on the situation in the Gaza Strip

Madrid, May 9, 2024.

The Board of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE), meeting on 9 May 2024, wishes to express its profound regret over the grave events currently unfolding in the Gaza Strip.

Spanish universities have consistently expressed and reaffirmed their steadfast commitment to peace, coexistence, and justice, as well as the defense of international humanitarian law. Despite these ongoing commitments, we are deeply affected by the escalation of the conflict and its tragic impact on the Palestinian population.

We fully support the sentiments of our campuses and their calls for measures to halt the ongoing violence. Consequently, we demand:

  • The immediate and definitive cessation of military operations by the Israeli army and any terrorist activities, and the release of those kidnapped by Hamas.
  • That the State of Israel respects international law and allows the entry of all necessary humanitarian aid into Gaza to address the emergency needs of its civilian population. We also urge international organizations to implement measures for the swift reconstruction and recovery of Palestinian territory.

We are committed to:

  • Reviewing and, where appropriate, suspending collaboration agreements with Israeli universities and research centers that have not demonstrated a firm commitment to peace and adherence to international humanitarian law.
  • Intensify cooperation with the Palestinian scientific and higher education system and expand our cooperation, volunteer, and support programs for the refugee population.
  • Ensuring that, in the exercise of freedom of speech, there is no occurrence of equally reprehensible conduct such as anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, or any other hateful behavior within university communities.