Legal disclaimer


Please read carefully the following legal notice concerning the website

1. Data identifying the “Information Society Service Provider”

In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the Ley 34/2002, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico (Spanish Act 34/2002 of July 11 of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services), we inform you that the CONFERENCIA DE RECTORES DE LAS UNIVERSIDADES ESPAÑOLAS (the CONFERENCE OF RECTORS OF SPANISH UNIVERSITIES, hereinafter Crue) owns and manages the content of the Website
Crue, with registered office at Paseo de Recoletos, 27 – 3ª Planta, 28004, Madrid (Spain), has Spanish Tax Identification Code G-81093072, and is registered with number 145253 in the Spanish National Registry of Associations, Group I Section I.

Any question or complaint can be directed to Crue at the above address, by telephone: (+34) 913601200 or through the following e-mail address:

2. Acceptance and validity of the General and Specific Terms and Conditions

Access to and/or use of the Crue Website assigns the status of User and implies full and unconditional acceptance of these General Conditions.

Crue reserves its right to modify or update the information contained on this website as well as its configuration, presentation, and terms of access, without previous notice.
Likewise, Crue reserves its right to suspend, discontinue or cease operating the website at any time.


2.1. Obligations of use

In general, the User undertakes to access and use the Website in accordance with the law, General Conditions of Use, and generally accepted moral standards and good practice, to use it in an appropriate way and to refrain from using the Website in a way that may prevent, damage or impair the normal functioning, the property or rights of the owner (Crue), of other users or, in general, of any third party.

In particular, and without this implying any restriction to the general obligation assumed by the User in accordance with the previous paragraph, when using the Website the User agrees to:

  • Hold exclusive responsibility for the custody, confidentiality and correct use of the login data provided by Crue (username and password), and assume any damages that may arise from the improper use of this login data.
  • Refrain from entering, storing or disseminating on or from the website any information or material that is defamatory, libellous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence or discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion or that in any way violates the morals, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honour, privacy or image of third parties and, in general, that violates current Spanish legislation and that of their country of residence.
  • Refrain from introducing, storing or disseminating through the website any computer program, data, virus, code, or any other file that is likely to cause damage or any type of alteration to the website, in any of the services, or in any of the equipment, systems or networks of Crue, of any User, or in general of any third party, which may interrupt its normal operations.
  • Refrain from destroying, altering, using for their own use, disable or damage the data, information, programs, electronic documents, or, in general, the files of Crue, Users or third parties.

Crue may, at any time and without prior notice, modify these General Conditions, as well as the Special Conditions that may be included, by publishing these modifications on the website so that they can be known by the Users.

2.2. Exemption from liability

  • Crue will not be responsible for the inappropriate use of the website by Users, in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
  • Regarding possible technical deficiencies, Crue will not be responsible in any case for the alterations in the service caused by failures in the electrical network, in the data connection network, in the server or in any other services.
  • Regarding access by third parties to its system, Crue will adopt the necessary technical precautions in order to protect the data and information accessed but will not be responsible for the actions of third parties who, in volation of the established security measures, access to such data.
  • Crue constantly invests in technological means that try to minimise the risk of viruses and similar malware, and unauthorised content in its information systems. Nevertheless, the User is aware that he/she must adopt his/her own measures aimed at minimizing the damage caused by unauthorized software, viruses, Trojans, and any kind of software known as malware, exempting Crue from any liability that may arise from the containment of malware in the treatments enabled on this website.

2.3. Use of hyperlinks

The User who wants to include links to Crue’s website on the website of a Third Party, must comply with the following conditions. Ignorance of these conditions does not avoid the responsibilities derived from the Law.

The hyperlink will only link to the home page or main page of Crue’s Website but may not reproduce it in any way (inline links, copy of texts, graphics, etc.).
In all cases and in accordance with the law, it is forbidden to establish frames of any kind that surround the Website or allow the visualisation of the contents therein through Internet addresses other than those of the Website and, in any case, when they are visualized jointly with contents outside the Website in such a way that: (I) produces, or may produce, error, confusion or deception in users as to the true origin of the service or Contents; (II) involves an act of unfair comparison or imitation; (III) serves to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of Crue; or (IV) in any other way is prohibited by current legislation.

The Third-Party Website on which Crue’s page is hyperlinked will refrain from making any false, inaccurate, or incorrect statement about Crue, its management, employees, clients or about the quality of the services it provides.

Under no circumstances shall it be stated on the Third-Party Website on which the link is located that Crue has given its consent for the insertion of the link or that it otherwise sponsors, collaborates, verifies, or supervises the services of the site owner.

It is forbidden to use any word mark, be it graphic or mixed, or any other distinctive sign of Crue within the page of the Third Party except as permitted by law or expressly authorised by Crue, and, where it is allowed, the link should be a direct link to Crue’s website in the manner set out in this clause.

The page that includes a link to Crue’s Website must comply faithfully with the law and may not under any circumstance provide or link to its own or third party content that: (I) are unlawful, harmful or contrary to morality and decency (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (II) induce or may induce the user the false conception that Crue subscribes, endorses, adheres or in any way supports the ideas, statements or expressions, legal or illegal, of the site owner; (III) are inappropriate or irrelevant to the activity of the place, content and subject matter of the site owner’s website. Likewise, the User shall refrain from including on the website any hyperlink (hereinafter, “link”) directed to a website that contains illicit information or content, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs and public order.

2.4. Intellectual and industrial property

The Website and its components (graphics, images, photographs, samples, and materials that appear in them, industrial technologies, files, logos, colour combinations and any element susceptible of protection) are the property of Crue and are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights.

The reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, the publication on other websites or in other digital or written media or, in general, any other form of total or partial exploitation of the elements indicated in the previous paragraph are forbidden in the absence of prior written authorisation of Crue. In any case, they must make expressly refer to the ownership of Crue’s intellectual property rights.

The use of distinctive signs (brands, commercial names) is not allowed, except with the express authorisation of the legitimate owners.

Unless expressly authorised by Crue, links to “end pages”, “frames” and any other similar manipulation are not permitted. Links must always be to the main page or homepage of the website.

2.5. Jurisdiction and applicable legislation

The general Terms and Conditions governing this website and all relationships that may arise are safeguarded by Spanish law.

Any dispute that may arise from the access or use of this website will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid, Spain.


Crue is especially sensitive to the protection of personal data of the users of the Website’s services.
Crue informs the USERS of the website:, of the uses to which the personal data collected on the website are subjected, so that they can decide, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide the information requested.

Crue reserves its right to modify this Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation, jurisprudential criteria, industry practices, or interests of the entity. Any modification to it will be announced with due notice, so that you are fully aware of its content.


The responsible for the processing of personal data is;

CONFERENCIA DE RECTORES DE LAS UNIVERSIDADES ESPAÑOLAS (Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities), with registered office at: Paseo de Recoletos, 27 – 3ª Planta , 28004 Madrid (España),


Telephone: (+34) 913 60 12 00 y Correo-e:


The purpose of the personal data collection and processing, through e-mail property of Crue, made available to users, is, as appropriate, to manage and to meet requests for information, questions or suggestions, to conduct statistical studies, or to send publications or information on any services or activities, events or events provided, offered and / or sponsored (including the newsletter) by Crue.


The personal data provided will be kept for the necessary period in order to comply with legal obligations, or until the interested party, with legitimacy to do so, requests its deletion.


Crue is entitled to process personal data, based on the consent granted by the data subject for one or more specific purposes, as stated in Article 6.1. a) of the Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, applicable from 25 May 2018 (hereinafter, the “General Data Protection Regulation”).


In order to ensure that the data contained in our computer and/or paper files always correspond to reality, we will try to keep it up to date. Therefore, for this purpose, the user will have to make the changes directly, when so enabled, or by communication through irrefutable means to the corresponding area or department of Crue.

The personal data collected through the e-mail address owned by the data controller will be passed on to members of Crue and to sponsors.


The data subject may, in all cases, exercise the rights to which he/she is entitled, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, which are:

  • The right to request access to personal data relating to the data subject,
  • The right to request its rectification or deletion,
  • The right to request limitations to their processing,
  • The right to oppose to the processing,
  • The right to data portability

The interested party may exercise these rights through a request accompanied by a photocopy of his/her National Identity Document, specifying which of these rights he/she wishes to be satisfied, sent to the following address: CONFERENCIA DE RECTORES DE LAS UNIVERSIDADES ESPAÑOLAS, Paseo de Recoletos, 27 – 3ª Planta , 28004, Madrid (Spain).


The controller (Crue) will put forward appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk involved.


Crue may collect information about users’ search habits, using cookies or log files. The cookies only work if the User remains and continues browsing Crue’s website. In this case, the Userconsents to the use and the installation of cookies.
Cookies are not used to collect personal information.
Detailed information is provided below:

a) What is a cookie and what is it used for?

A “Cookie” is a small file that is stored on the user’s computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device with information about browsing.

The set of “cookies” of all our users helps us to improve the quality of our website, allowing us to control which pages are useful, which are not and which can be improved.

Cookies are essential for the functioning of the Internet, providing countless advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating the navigation and usability of our website.

Under no circumstances can cookies damage your computer. On the other hand, the fact that they are active helps us to identify and resolve errors.

b) What types of cookies does Crue use?

Depending on the entity that manages them:

  • Own cookies: These are those that are sent to your computer from our own equipment or domains and from which we provide the requested service.
  • Third-party cookies: These are those that are sent to your computer from a computer or domain that is not managed by us, but by another collaborating entity. For example, those used by social networks, or external content such as Google Maps.

Depending on the time they remain activated:

  • Session cookies: These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until the User leaves the website, so none of them remain registered on the hard drive of your computer. The information obtained through these cookies is used to analyse traffic patterns on the website. In the long run, this allows us to provide a better experience in order to improve the content and facilitate its use.
  • Persistent cookies: these are stored on the hard drive and our website reads them each time the user visits the website. A permanent cookie has a specific expiry date. The cookie will stop working after that date. We generally use these cookies to facilitate the purchase and registration services.

According to their purpose:

  • Technical Cookies: These are those Cookies that are needed for browsing and for the correct functioning of our website. They allow, for example, to control traffic and data communication, access restricted areas, carry out the purchase process of an order, use security elements, store content to be able to broadcast videos or share content through social networks.
  • Personalisation cookies: These cookies allow the user to access the service with predefined characteristics according to a series of criteria, such as language, the type of browser through which the service is accessed, the regional configuration from where the service is accessed, etc.
  • Analysis cookies: These cookies allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the services provided. To do this, your browsing on our website is analysed in order to improve the range of products and services we offer.
  • Advertising cookies: These cookies allow us to manage, in the most effective way possible, the advertising spaces that may be included on our website.
  • Behavioural advertising cookies: These cookies store information on user behaviour obtained through continuous observation. Thanks to them, we can find out about your browsing habits on the Internet and show you advertising related to your browsing profile.

Purpose of each of the cookies used:

Below we detail the cookies used on our website and the provider to which they belong. Own cookies are those that belong to our domain and third-party cookies are those that belong to other domains according to the following table:




We use WordPress for website development. Read more

Sharing data

This data is not shared with third parties.


Store user preferences
Store browser details
Read if cookies can be placed
Store user preferences
1 year
Store user preferences
Store logged in users




We use Complianz for cookie consent management. Read more

Sharing data

This data is not shared with third parties. For more information, please read the Complianz Privacy Statement.


365 days
Store information about cookies that have been detected on the site
365 days
Store cookie consent preferences
365 days
Store cookie consent preferences
365 days
Store accepted cookie policy ID
365 days
Store cookie consent preferences
365 days
Store cookie consent preferences
365 days
Store cookie consent preferences
365 days
Store if the cookie banner has been dismissed




We use WPML for locale management. Read more

Sharing data

This data is not shared with third parties.


1 day
Store language settings

Google Analytics



We use Google Analytics for website statistics. Read more

Sharing data

For more information, please read the Google Analytics Privacy Statement.


1 day
Store and count pageviews
1 year
Store and count pageviews
2 years
Store and count pageviews

Google Fonts

Purpose pending investigation


We use Google Fonts for display of webfonts. Read more

Sharing data

For more information, please read the Google Fonts Privacy Statement.

Purpose pending investigation

Google Fonts API


Purpose pending investigation


We use YouTube for video display. Read more

Sharing data

For more information, please read the YouTube Privacy Statement.

Purpose pending investigation



Purpose pending investigation


Sharing data

Sharing of data is pending investigation

Purpose pending investigation


How can the User configure or disable cookies?

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of your Internet browser. If you do not allow the installation of cookies in your browser, you may not be able to access some of the services and your experience on the website may be less satisfactory.