President of Crue Spanish Universities
I would like to welcome you to Crue Universidades Españolas, meeting place for its 76 associated universities. Our aim is to structure the institutional action of a plural and diverse university system with a great capacity to transform society through the generation and mobilisation of knowledge in our university communities.
The institutional period initiated in June 2023 aims to give Crue a new impetus to advance the Spanish University System (SUE) and, to do so, it needs sufficient public funding and a suitable legislation. It is time to accompany universities in the face of the enormous and crucial challenges we face, but also of a social reality in which universities are called upon to reinforce our commitment to sustainable development, as well as to address the challenges of lifelong learning, digital transformation, and innovative development.
In a context of profound transformations such as the one we are experiencing and of enormous demands on universities, it is essential to strengthen Crue’s role as an agent able to positively influence university policy and decisions affecting science and innovation in order to take advantage of the full potential of universities to promote well-being and social progress.

Eva Alcón Soler (Castellón, 1963) is Professor of English Philology and, since 2018, Rector of the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón. She has an extensive career in the field of university management, which includes having led the Delegation for Equality Policies of Crue Spanish Universities in its founding stage (2019-2021). At the academic level, Professor Eva Alcón founded the research group ‘Applied Linguistics to the Teaching of the English Language (LAELA)’, in which she developed innovative approaches and lines of research that made her an international reference in the study of the acquisition of the pragmatic component in learners of English as a second language.