The Bologna hub Peer Support project, based on the idea of «establishing a structured inter-institutional support approach based on solidarity, cooperation and mutual learning», aims to create a pool of European Experts in Bologna and other experts in higher education to support the institutions within the EHEA in the implementation of the Bologna reforms through a peer-learning methodology. These diverse experts will be able to cover a variety of topics to address the specific needs of each higher education institution. This project is coordinated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Academic Exchange Service, and will include the participation of Crue Spanish Universities, the Albanian Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth; the Georgian Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports; the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the European Student Union (ESU).
This project will last two years and has been selected by the European Commission, within the Erasmus+ call, to support the implementation of reforms of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Project activities will run until summer 2022.

For more information, please visit the Project website here

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